Ronak Sawant is an artist engaged in performing, literary and visual arts. He is a life explorer and a free soul who uses his art, wisdom and life's journey to inspire people and make a positive change in the world.
May 18, 2016
Journey from Nothing to Something

I always wanted to do 'something' in life.
Something good,
Something that will make me happy and satisfy my soul,
Something that will make people smile,
Something that will inspire people and help them keep going in life.
I think I have already found that 'something' that I always wanted to do in life.
I don't know how I found this 'something' or whether it was written in my life, but I am thankful to have discovered it. Life has become more meaningful because of this 'something'. Life would be so boring that I can't even imagine my life without this 'something' now! Because by doing this 'something' I feel the real meaning of life, love and happiness. Above all, this is where I perceive my inner self, my soul.
Yes! Dancing, Photography, and Writing are 'something' that I always wanted to do in life. Till now the journey from nothing to something has been amazing, and it is something that I can cherish lifelong. I still want to stay on this journey and would love to spend my whole life doing this 'something'! Who knows, I may find something more by keeping at it.
Thank you to all the people who are supporting me on this 'journey of something'. I appreciate your support! And I hope you too find that 'something' you always wanted to do in life.