Ronak Sawant is an artist engaged in performing, literary and visual arts. He is a life explorer and a free soul who uses his art, wisdom and life's journey to inspire people and make a positive change in the world.

May 19, 2024

text divider illustration
Morpankh | मोरपंख – Marathi Owi by Ronak Sawant

मोरपंख मिरवुनी डोक्यावर।

रोनक म्हणे श्रीकृष्ण सर्वेश्वर॥



morapakha miravunī okyāvara

ronaka mhae śrīkṛṣṇa sarveśwara


English Translation:

Adorning the head with a peacock feather,

Ronak says Shree Krishna Sarveshwar.

Morpankh | मोरपंख – Ronak Sawant

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"Ronak Sawant is Ronak Sawant because Ronak Sawant is a Krishna bhakta."

– Ronak Sawant